We provide trainings (online) only on Mornings (IST) and Weekends.

Application Development With Angular


Angular is one of the popular front-end application development platform for building mobile and desktop web
applications. This in-depth Angular training course is specifically designed to meet the day to day development
challenges of a typical Angular Front End Developer.

Course Content

Duration : 32 Hrs
Fees in ₹ : 24000
  1. Introduction & Getting Started
    1. What is Angular?
    2. Angular Development Environment Setup
    3. Creating the First Project
    4. What Is TypeScript?
  2. Understanding The Basics
    1. Anatomy of an Angular Application
    2. Angular Components
    3. Creating the First Component
    4. Data Binding
    5. String Interpolation
    6. Property Binding
    7. Event Binding
    8. Directives
    9. Ternary, Logical, Elvis Operator
  3. Debugging & Troubleshooting
    1. Deciphering Error Messages
    2. Debugging With Chrome Developer Tools
    3. Inspect Angular App With Augury
  4. Directives
    1. Introduction To Directives
    2. ngFor
    3. ngIf
    4. ngStyle
    5. ngSwitch
    6. Attribute Directives
    7. Event Directives
    8. Structural Directives
  5. Components
    1. Introduction To Components
    2. Creating Custom Components
    3. @Input & @Output
    4. Custom Events & Custom Properties
    5. @ViewChild
    6. @ContentChild
  6. Observables
    1. Introduction To Angular Observables
    2. Creating Custom Observables
  7. Styling & Integrating UI Framework
    1. Integrating Custom Style Sheets
    2. Introduction To Angular Material
    3. Working With Angular Material Components
  8. Advanced Data Binding With Rest API (HTTP)
    1. What Is a HTTP Request?
    2. Setting Up a backend with Strapi
    3. Performing CRUD Operation
    4. Service With HTTP
    5. Data Transformation With RxJs
    6. Error Handling
    7. Showing A Loading Indicator
    8. Headers & Query Params
    9. HTTP Interceptors
  9. Services & Dependency Injection
    1. Why Services?
    2. Creating A Custom Service
    3. Sharing Data Between Components
    4. Injecting Service Inside A Service
  10. Routing & Route Protection
    1. Angular Navigation & Router Links
    2. Routes & Parameters
    3. Default Route
    4. Custom 404 Page Not Found
    5. Passing Static Data To Next Page
    6. Load The Page Based On Data From Backed With Resolve Guard
    7. Authentication – An Introduction To JWT
    8. Route Guards
    9. Nested Routes
    10. Location Strategy
  11. Angular Forms
    1. Creating A Form
    2. Input Validation
    3. Reactive Form
    4. Nested Form Groups
    5. Form Builder
    6. Dynamic Controls Using Form Arrays
  12. Unit Testing
    1. Why Unit Testing?
    2. Creating A Unit Test
    3. Running A Unit Test
  13. Build & Deployment
    1. Bundling & Minification
    2. Tree Shaking
    3. Lazy Loading
    4. AOT Compilation
    5. Deploying The Application
  14. State Management With NgRx
    1. Why NgRx?
    2. Reducers
    3. Actions
    4. Effects
    5. NgRx Dev Tools
  15. Bonus : Advanced Angular
    1. Animation
    2. Offline Capability
    3. Desktop Apps
    4. Server Side Rendering
    5. Pro Tip : Things To Consider On A Large Angular Application